False eyelashes were invented by film director D.W. Griffith while he was making the 1916 epic, "Intolerance." He wanted actress Seena Owen to have lashes that brushed her cheeks.
Faye Wong received a 7 digit fee for recording 'eyes on me' and it took her about 4 hours.
February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
Federal law forbids recycling used eyeglasses in the United States.
Felix Faure (French President; 1841-1899), Pope Leo VII (936-939), Pope John VII (955-964), Pope Leo VIII (963-965), Pope John XIII (965-72), Pope Paul II (1467-1471), Lord Palmerston (British Prime Minister, 1784-1865), Nelson Rockefeller (US Vice President, 1908-1979), and John Entwistle (The Who's bassist, 1944-2002) all died while having sex.
Felix the Cat is the first cartoon character to ever have been made into a balloon for a parade.
Female chickens, or hens, need about 24 to 26 hours to produce one egg. Thirty minutes later they start the process all over again. In addition to the half-hour rests, some hens rest every three to five days and others rest every 10 days.
Female lions do 90% of the hunting.
Female rabbits on the other hand, reabsorb their embryo for the proteins
Females have a wider peripheral vision than males.
Ferrets sleep around 20 hours a day.
Ferris wheels are names after George W. Ferris who built the first one in Chicago in 1893.
Fin whales are the second largest animal ever to live on earth. They have been measured to over 80 feet long in Antarctic waters.
Finagle's Law was the one that went, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Not Murphy's Law.
Finely grinding coffee beans and boiling them in water is still known as "Turkish Coffee." It is still made this way today in Turkey and Greece or anywhere else Turkish Coffee is served.
Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails
Fingerprints serve a function they provide traction for the fingers to grasp things.
Finnish folklore says that when Santa comes to Finland to deliver gifts, he leaves his sleigh behind and rides on a goat named Ukko instead. According to French tradition, Santa Claus has a brother named Bells Nichols, who visits homes on New Year's Eve after everyone is asleep, and if a plate is set out for him, he fills it with cookies and cakes.
First Instant Replay was used during Army Navy Football Game at Municipal Stadium Philadelphia on December 7, 1963, invented by Tony Verna (CBS Director.)
First novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.
Fish scales are an ingredient in lipstick.
Five Jell-O®™ flavors have flopped: celery, coffee, cola, apple and chocolate.
Five NFL teams have bird nicknames: Arizona Cardinals, Philadelphia Eagles, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens and Seattle Seahawks.
Flamingos are able to fly at a speed of approximately 55 kilometers an hour. In one night they can travel about 600 km.
Flavored coffees are created after the roasting process by applying flavored oils specially created to use on coffee beans.
Fleas are essential to the health of armadillos and hedgehogs; they provide necessary stimulation of the skin. Deloused armadillos and hedgehogs will die.
Fleas have killed more people (due to Bubonic plague and such) than all wars throughout history combined.
Fleas jump the equivilant of one mile..in insect feet.
Flies jump backwards when they take off.
Flies taste with their feet.
Flirtation between the members of the opposite sex on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30-day jail term.
Florence Nightingale Graham adopted the name Elizabeth Arden once her company became successful at the beginning of the 1900s.
Florida law forbids rats to leave the ships docked in Tampa Bay.
Flying from London to New York by Concord, due to the time zones crossed, you can arrive 2 hours before you leave.
Fog and a cloud are the same thing, only at different altitudes. Fog is simply a cloud lying on the earth, while clouds are fog floating in the sky.
Food is so scarce in the Arctic, that wolves don't waste any part of their meals. A wolf will eat every part of an arctic hare, including the skin, fur, and bones.
Food passes through the small intestine in just two hours, zipping along at 0.002 mph. Inside the large intestine, it takes about 14 hours, traveling at a more leisurely rate of 0.00007 mph
For 186 days you can not see the sun in the North Pole.
For a short distance, the bluefin tuna can swim 50 miles per hour.
For a typical lovemaking session, the man will thrust an average of 60 to 120 times.
For drinking, washing, etc., an average American uses 168 gallons of water per day. The average American residence uses 107,000 gallons per year.
For every 230 cars that are made, 1 will be stolen.
For every degree of longitude there is a time gap of four minutes.
For every memorial statue with a person on a horse, if the horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died of battle wounds; if all four of the horse's legs are on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
For five years, Webster's dictionary contained a definition of the word dord, a word that has never actually existed.
For the "wrong handed" people...Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people! That means DEATH to Lefties
For the 66% of American's who admit to reading in the bathroom, the preferred reading material is "Reader's Digest."
For two years, during the 1970s, Mattel marketed a doll called "Growing Up Skipper." Her breasts grew when her arm was turned.
Forks weren't widely used in the United States until the 1800s.
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt ate three chocolate-covered garlic balls in the morning. Her doctor told her it would help improve her memory.
Former President Cleveland defeated incumbent Benjamin Harrison in 1892, becoming the first (and, to date, only) chief executive to win non-consecutive terms to the White House.
Fortune cookies were invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodle maker.
Forty percent of McDonald's profits comes from the sale of Happy Meals.
Forty-six percent of the world's water is in the Pacific Ocean; that's around 6 sextillion gallons of water. The Atlantic has 23.9 percent; the Indian, 20.3; the Arctic, 3.7 percent.
Forty-six US federal agencies have officers with the authority to carry firearms and arrest people.
Found in Egypt, this illustration is over 3,000 years old.
Four different people played the part of Darth Vader (body, face, voice, and breathing).
Fourteen years before the Titanic sank, novelist Morgan Robertson published a novel called "Futility". The story was about an ocean liner that struck an iceberg on an April night. The name of the ship in his novel was The Titan.
Fourteenth century physicians didn't know what caused the plague, but they knew it was contagious. As a result they wore an early kind of bioprotective suit which included a large beaked head piece. The beak of the head piece, which made them look like large birds, was filled with vinegar, sweet oils and other strong smelling compounds to counteract the stench of the dead and dying plague victims.
Francis Bacon died of hypothermia while trying to freeze a chicken by stuffing it with snow.
Francis Scott Key wrote the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner" on the back on an envelope. The music is from an old English drinking song called "To Anacreon in Heaven."
Frank Baum named "Oz" after a file cabinet in his office. One cabinet was labeled "A to N," and the second was labeled "O to Z."
Frank Baum, looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N, and O-Z, hence "Oz."
Frankfort, Kentucky, makes it against the law to shoot off a policeman's tie.
Franklin Pierce is the only President to have said "I promise" instead of "I swear at his Inauguration. He did it for religious reasons.
Franz Ferdinand was killed.. remember that the guys death partly caused the WWI. Anyway, his death was almost unavoidable. After an attempted assasination using a bomb failed, (because the bomb hit the rear mud flap of the car Ferdinand was in and bounced away) authorities decided to change the route of Ferdinands tour... but failed to inform the driver of the car. And so, unfortunately, at one stage, the driver took a wrong turn and drove into an alley. While reversing out, Princip (killer) came and shot Ferdinand and his wife at a distance of 4-5 feet killing them. Ferdinand brought his wife to Serejavo to celebrate their anniversary.
Frederic Remington's sculpture The Bronco Buster has mistake in it: the cowboy is wearing his spurs upside down.
Frederic-August Bartholdi sculpted The Statue of Liberty.
Frederick the great had his coffee made with champagne and a bit of mustard.
French composer Erik Satie holds the record for shortest and longest composition in the world. His piano piece Vexations lasts for just under a minute. However, Satie states in the score that it should be played 840 times in succession a nonstop playing time of 14 hours.
French was the official language of England for over 600 years.
Fried chicken is the most popular meal ordered in sit-down restaurants in the US. The next in popularity are: roast beef, spaghetti, turkey, baked ham, and fried shrimp.
Fried cockroach with garlic is used as medicine for the common cold
From 13th June'1948 to 1st June'1958 a citizen of Los Angeles hiccoughed 160,000,000 times. People sent him 60,000 suggestions for cures.
From 1836 to 1896, the Red Flag Act in England required that any self-propelled vehicle be preceded by a man carrying a red flag by day and a red lantern by night. In effect, this limited the speed to four miles per hour and retarded the development of all self-propelled vehicles, including the automobile.
From 70 to 80 percent of all ripe olives are grown in California's approximately 35,000 acres. In the 1700s, Franciscan monks brought olives to Mexico and then into California by way of the missions. The first cuttings were planted in 1769 at the San Diego Mission. Commercial cultivation of California olives began in the late 1800s. Today, anywhere from 80,000 to 160,000 tons of olives are produced in California each year.
From the 1500's to the 1700's, tobacco was prescribed by doctors to treat a variety of ailments including headaches, toothaches, arthritis and bad breath.
From the Middle Ages up until the end of the 19th century, barbers performed a number of medical duties including bloodletting, wound treatment, dentistry, minor operations and bone-setting. The barber's striped red pole originated in the Middle Ages, when it was a staff the patient would grip while the barber bled the patient.
Fuzzy Zoeller defeated Tom Watson and Ed Sneed in the first sudden-death playoff at The Masters in 1979.
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